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Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer: recommended if you like the original comic.

Posted by Audiophilander on June 18, 2007 at 11:20:06:

The FF sequel gets a well deserved four stars from your's truly. I've read lots of critical reviews of this film that somehow missed all the fun or think that it's script should've aimed higher, but at it's heart this second effort actually goes the distance to capture the feel of the original comic. IMHO, it's far better than it's predecessor or the lackluster Spidy III sequel earlier in the blockbuster season.

Unlike the first Fantastic Four film, with it's slow-moving, convoluted reworking of the foursome's origin, this continuation actually hits it's stride early on and never slows down. Also, and this is a big plus for fans of the original Lee/Kirby comics, the film's script doesn't jump the rails from the story as it evolved back in Marvel's halcyon days except where alterations for brevity and emotional impact necessitated.

The Victor Von Doom character is much better resolved this time around by Julian McMahone; Iaon Gruffudd, looked and acted more like the Reed Richards of the original comic; Jessica Alba seemed more comfortable in the guise of Sue Storm; Chris Evans was less obnoxious and more effective as Torch, and Michael Chiklis, continued to envision Ben Grimm perfectly, this time with the benefit of a tight story, more humor and less soapy angst. The Silver Surfer, voiced by Laurence Fishburne and modeled by Doug Jones was the perfect CGI recreation of that 60's anti-heroic character. I should also mention that Andre Braugher (Homicide: Life on the Street) lent credibility to the supporting role General Hager.

In short, the FF sequel was better balanced overall than the first outing. It is cleverer, faster paced, not quite as dark, more ominous in it's building of threat and suspending disbelief without being overwrought and avoids most of the silliness and logic flaws which dragged the first one into "groan territory".

On my scale: ****/***** (a fantastic four of five stars)

Okay, your turn: flame on! ;0)
