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Theta Digital DS Pro Basic II DAC Processors Review by computerparts

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Model: DS Pro Basic II
Category: DAC Processors
Suggested Retail Price: $2200.
Description: Ladder-type DAC w. 3 coaxial 75ohm digital inputs, balanced and single-ended analog outputs, front panel phase switch
Manufacturer URL: Theta Digital

Review by computerparts (A) on December 14, 2006 at 16:49:14
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for the DS Pro Basic II

This review is for the lower voltage model (standard 2v). Upon receiving this dac I hooked it up to my cheap dvd player as a transport and my lower end Denon receiver. I feel this dac as any would be much better on a dedicated transport but unfortunately I don't have the luxury of affording one at the moment. Compared to my DS Pro Basic I, the sound is more refined and smoother with airier highs and more separation between instruments. Overall a very good dac for the price it can be had these days.

Product Weakness: low voltage
Product Strengths: bass slam, very musical

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: Denon receiver
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): none
Sources (CDP/Turntable): dvd player
Speakers: cheap
Cables/Interconnects: cheap
Music Used (Genre/Selections): rock
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner

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