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"Araby" and "Seven Years in May." Two more powerful documentaries you're not going

Posted on September 20, 2020 at 08:09:07

Posts: 65782
Location: Kansas City, KS
Joined: April 9, 2006
to find. Both blur the lines of documentaries, but feature non-actors recreating events. Both are from Joćo Dumans and Affonso Uchoa, considered among the best living directors in that genre.

In "Araby," we are taken along for a journey as a worker tries to keep bread on the table, being forced to relocate across the Brazilian landscape many times for gainful employment.

In the second, a criminal relates his brutalization at the hands of the police and his inability to escape their tentacles, his trauma, or his addictions, even in flight.

If you enjoy "pretend" violence, such as that in Godfather films, you might just give these a try. The beginning of "Seven Years in May" is among the most shocking and disturbing you'll ever see.

Both available on the highly recommended (and free for first month) MUBI; S Y I M also available on Kanopy (free through many libraries).


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