Home Films/DVD Asylum

Movies from comedy to drama to your favorite Hollyweird Star.

Top Ten?

Well, here's my Top Ten in all genres.

1.Breaker Morant - Terrific acting, story line, and cinematography. Everything fit.
2.A Man For All Seasons - Best Actor for Paul Scofield, probably best ever!
3.The Third Man - A total masterpiece.
4.North By Northwest - Hitchock at his best, Cary Grant WAS Roger Thornhill.
5.The Maltese Falcon - The Continental Op was a natural for Bogie.
6.The Pope Of Greenwich Village (tie) - The lighter side of the mob.
Goodfellas (tie) - The almost lighter side of the mob.
7.Taxi Driver (tie) - Still Scorcese’s best work.
The Ninth Configuration (tie) - Dark humor and irony.
8.Macaroni - A delightful little slice of life with 2 of the best - Lemmon & Mastroianni.
9.Casablanca (tie) - An all time favorite full of cliches.
The Ipcress File (tie) - The epitomy of spy flicks.
10.Notorious (tie) - Grant & Bergman, that’s enough!
DOA (tie) - Skillfully done thriller with a twist.

Honorable Mention - No Particular Order

The Old Man & The Sea - Spencer Tracy’s signature role.
Zulu - Extraordinary epic tastefully depicted with a relatively new Michael Caine.
Raging Bull - A meaty part for DeNiro.
Rocky - A real “feel good” movie.
Diner - Sometime too true-to-life comedy/drama.
Silence Of The Lambs - An edge of your seat thriller.
Warlock - Psychological western action flick with Fonda and Quinn.
The Magnificant Seven - The good guys win.
High Noon - The good guy wins.
Shane - The standard for all westerns.
A Thousand Clowns - Two Academy Awards, but none for Jason Robards.
A Fish Called Wanda - ROTFL.
Paths Of Glory - Mans cruelty vs man.
Duck Soup - ROTFLMAO.
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers - Can horror be this enjoyable?
Gallipoli - Tragedy at it’s worst (best?).
The Parallax View - A sleeper full of political intrigue starring a surprisingly convincing Warren Beatty.
Saboteur - Early Hitchcock classic with an early Bob Cummings (the Statue of Liberty finale?).
Mean Streets - Down and dirty look at small time hoods.
Becket - Undoubtedly Burton’s best role.
The Manchurian Candidate - The advent of the “mind-bender” movies, shocking for it’s time.
Mirage - Amnesiac Gregory Peck attracts murder and intrigue.


1.The James Bond Series - especially Dr. No & Goldfinger
2.The remaining Marx Brothers films

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