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Re: top 10 Horror films?

"One person's scream is another's yawn".

Here is a list of films that scared me at various times in my life:

"The War Of The Worlds" - viewed at age 5, hid mostly under the movie seat!
"The Thing From Another World" - age 7
"Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" - age 8
"The Tingler" - age 11
"Draculas, Frankenstein Monsters, Werewolves&Mummies" - at a young age
"Psycho" - age 12
"The Birds" - age 15
"The Haunting" - age 17
"Jaws" - age 27
"Halloween" - age 30
"Alien" - age 31
"The Shining" - age 32
"Silence Of The Lambs" - age 43.

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