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Re: I'll play....

Saw "Bladerunner" upon initial release and liked it; didn't include it
(along with certain others) because they have been mentioned or discussed
so much here in Filmland. Also viewed "Clockwork Orange" upon it's initial
run, mixed feelings about it, tendency toward negative, but realize that
others my differ. Eyeballed "Seconds" with Rock Hudson I believe, ironic
ending if I remember - vague, but pleasant memories of the film.
A 1984 release of "Metropolis", how does it compare to the silent version?
"Robocop" was enjoyable, even if the protagonist was somewhat stiff.
I too enjoyed the British produced(?) TV series "The Prisoner" with Patrick
Whats-His-Name. Neat idea about the giant security bubbles.
Let me add "Planet of the Apes" to the pile.
Will have to think a while about the top 10 of the 90's. - AH

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