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Re: aw come-on, give me a break ... "SPAWN" & "5TH_ELEMENT"

Well,the first ones I listed were drawn in the style you said you liked... actually all of the ones I mentioned are, except Ranma 1/2, which is supposed to be totally zaney with people changing to animals and back while grandpa runs about stealing women's underwear (kind of a cute old codger actually... sorta like monty python meets around the world in 80 days type of humor). Check the reviews on http://www.animeondvd.com/ for DVDs (also region 2 imports) and http://www.asu.edu/studentprgms/orgs/them/Anime/Reviews/
for general reviews of things on tape, dvd and LD.
I would suggest you start with Ninja Scroll and Ghost in the Shell since they are easily available on DVD, or if you're still on tape, AD Police, Patlabor, Macross Plus OVA... oh throw in Vampire Princes Miyu. Lots of good stuff (Spawn is drawn in anime style... just not the kiddie or cute super-deformed style). Personally, I like Iria:Zeiram... pretty strange planets but a nice long adventure story.

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