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Re: Playstation II and Region 2

Quite okay. Tee-hee, I know, also used to make things like Wan-chan which is sort of an affectionate form of "doggie". I just get a real kick out of their contractions like "shuwa-chan" (Calling Arnold Schwarzenegger "little" is just a hoot (^o^)). Anyway, I just had to give you some o-kuso about it (flashed on Tenchi OVA's where Washu tells Ayeka to call her "Little Washu" and Ayeka gets this amazed, irate, amused and confused look and mutters "how can I call her little when she's 20,000 years old!".... a bit of a Peter Pan, that Washu!). Well, I understand the confusion... we print other Asian names like Ho Chi Min and Mao Tse-tung with family name first and given name second, yet we print Japanese names given then family, while they still do it the Chinese way... drives me nuts figuring out which name is which when you see it both ways... maybe they have the same problem with yours? And, they'll often just pick a piece of a long name (I get called Pamu-san). Someone started a trend of Americanizing Japanese names and its just led to some confusion. Ha ha, that's as bad as me watching The Spanish channel when I don't understand a word of it... I do turn off subtitles occasionally just to see how many words I can pick out, but then I'm one of those crazy types that would probably go wandering off into the boonies over there, figuring that hunger and constantly getting lost is a motivational opportunity to pick up the language faster :-)

Ah, well, I watch some Japanese shows, news and commercials... Nani... Hentai desu yo! (^o^) Ah well, have fun

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