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Ostensibly a time-warp sci-fi flick about a ham-radio-operating father and son (and the title *should* be Wavelength), the former of whom died thirty years ago, it evolves into more, much more. In fact the exact genre is difficult to ascertain -- I'm calling it a genre-fuck movie! And after it starts rolling, the sense of impending peril keeps growing, and I may say that peril does not fail to arrive. And towards the end there's a gunshot that packs a wallop like no other single shot I've ever witnessed.

The acting (Dennis Quaid(!) and Jim Caviezel) and writing are terrific. On the downside are the FX that illustrate the time warp, and the lighting. Always, the lighting. I say, Shoot all lighting directors!

Go, while it lasts in the theatres.

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Topic - FREQUENCY - clarkjohnsen 09:17:22 06/06/00 (2)

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