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One Question.

You recommend that we subscribe to a film journal roughly equivalent
to one of the high-end audio magazines, in order to avoid relying
on the likes of Ebert et al for reviews. And therefore, to avoid
taking children to inappropriate films; in particular, the case of
Daryl R. taking his grandchild to see "Scary Movie".
My question is, "Would these film journals carry reviews of such
low-end films like "Scary Movie"? I know that the high-end audio
mags don't carry reviews of most of low-end type equipment. I'm not
sure Daryl had in mind when he considered taking his grandchild to
see the film that he was considering "the high art of filmaking",
rather simply as a grandfather considering a spoof film with some
entertaining laughs suitable for a child.
As for me, Steve and others in my recent post on Ebert, we were
simply having some fun. - AH

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