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Re: Chivalrious muderers and petty pucky sentimentalism

***I believe that only 2000 or so German war prisoners came out of Soviet concentration camps in 1955, out of a million or two.

Your figures are wrong. I don't have sources with me, but I have been through this subject before and the number of Germans who survived the captivity was I believe in 50% or higher. Your number I suspect is an extrapolation of the Paulus army story - if I remember correctly some 5000 to 10000 made it out of about 300,000. That was very early in the war and things changed later, so it was not even close to 2000 overall.

***Built the railroads, oil wells, worked in manganese deposits and chemical plants, cleared up the taiga and died.

Sounds reasonable to me. No?

***What is more moral(or immoral)- using war prisoners as slaves and lab rats or dropping 2 atomic bombs on children and elderly?

According to many accounts the alternatives would mean many more Japanese killed. Estimate for the blocade were close to 30 million Japanese civilians dead from starvation, so 100000 or so from a-bomb can be considered a humane thing for both sides.

This, however, is a comletely separate subject.

***War is hell.

I don't like that phrase - it is used too often as an excuse. This is like saying "crime is bad". There are cases and there are cases. Killing the bomber's crew while shooting it down is one thing, shooting 10,000 Polish officers in Katin woods is another. Letting 1 million civilians die in a besieged city is different from shooting Soviet tanks at Prokhorovka.

***P.S. Saw an NTV segment yesterday - a Hungarian man who spent the last 50 years in a Russian psychiatric hospital was just released and sent back home. He says that he saw Raoul Vallenberg in a psihushka in the late 40s - early 50s. Russians say Vallenberg died in Lubianka in 1947, convicted of spying for the US. Man saved 10 thousand Hungarian Jews.

I believe there have been numerous accounts of people seeing him many years after the war. Knowing what was going on in the USSR this doesn't take ANY effort to belive.

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