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Almost famous

Saw almost famous last weekend. I thought it was a good movie, good acting and the plot wasn't unpredictable, it was also very comical, but in the way life is comical, not in the way, say, the movie Scary Movie was comical. It reminded me of Forest Gump because of the way it takes a pure (uncorrupted), good natured and ambitious character and places him in a time period with.... well, some really confused characters. Its all tastefully done too, there's lots of drinking and sex, but not TOO much of it and its like you know its going on but its not right there in front of you... the main character is a kid after all. There are lots of themes going on here, don't want to write an analysis of it, but basically the main theme is the fall of rock n' roll music into the depths of hell (also known as pop music-that horrid stuff that is written to sell the most records and has little concern with the true ideals of music). You see the band struggling to hold on to their ideals and original goals while in a sea of growing stardome and fame... this is basically the speal william gives to the editors of rolling stone to get them to hire him to do an interview, yeah, it sounds really cliched and corny and throws you off, you think the real movie will having nothing to do with this, but its a little subtle... its the main theme, though it does overshadow many others. Anyhow, go and see this movie, its good, unpredictable, has a good ending (again, unpredicatble... at least for me it was), some amazing character development and will make you want to go home and listen to led zepellin (on vinyl of course, this movie is all vinyl, there's even a miles davis album strategically placed in one scene).

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Topic - Almost famous - Jules 09:54:26 09/26/00 (1)

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