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another caviat

I'm getting a whole bunch of junk mail from netflix and CDNow. It's really pissing me off. They send something every day. Why do on-line companies think it's ok to torment their customers? I hate computer programers!

and another thing:

>"...for fine family entertainment, definitely get the 1-900.

Get your divorce lawyer on the ready. "<

I have no idea what you mean. I'm not that smart VK, I flunked out of college in the first week (but stayed on campus another two years for the great sex and drugs and vinyl). You have to be plain if you expect me to understand anything--or point to the book (with pictures).

Is there something on netflix I missed? are you refering to a specific flic or a catagory? ...oh wait...I think I get it. Let me check that out.

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  • another caviat - petew 11:15:35 10/07/00 (1)

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