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She was saying. .. . ... >>

Thank you all for this award. Thanks to Bill Clinton for letting me BLOW him with my big lips. Thanks to all my other liberal communist friends.

And I also want to thank Stalin, and Marx for starting the whole thing, and paving the way for todays American Democrats. Every day, we strive to re-create their legacy in the United States. I think we should vote for the liberal "TAX REBATE" plan, so we can get a quick $200 and shut the hell up and forget about a REAL tax cut.

Please. . . Send all donations to the Democratic party. They know how to spend it better than you. And BTW, George W. Bush is the devil.

Thank you all!!!! I am going to go eat a big polish sausage SIDEWAYS with my FAT lips, and wipe my mouth with Al Gore's balls while he's fondling Jesse Jackson.

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