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Rather than respond to earlier posts which I feel are missing the point...

The movie is not about mecas, aliens, robots vs. humans, or any of the preadolescent drivel thus far put forth. The movie is about the arrogant, self-indulgent, destructiveness of adults in general, and parents in particular. The meca framework is only there to allow for the creation of a child who has no ability to utilize the normal development of ambivalence of his attachment as a defense against the absurd selfishness of his parents. His mother wants a lump to love her, his father wants her happy so he'll get some. Giggolo Joe had it right when he said, "she doesn't love you, she loves what you do for her." Even the William Hurt character, who we might superficially observe as a power hungry, self-centered Bill Gates of robots, is really a pathetic loser trying to fill the empty hole of his own loss by creating his dead son over and over again. And for those who think the last sequence was overly long and boring, it was structured this way for a purpose. We sit for 30 minutes watching David wait 2000 years. And what does he get after all of his (and our) waiting when the beings (and who cares who they are?) find a way to give him his mother back for one day? He gets the most profound message of the film. Even then, he must not let his mother know that she has only a limited time with him, because is will confuse and upset HER. Upset her for Christ's sake! Even then, after 2000 years of waiting, the child takes care of the parent, who never took real care of the child.

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Topic - A.I. - Alan 21:24:24 07/10/01 (29)

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