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All the old Clint Eastwood movies...

...from "Hang "em High" to "Sudden Impact" with an exceptionally weak disposition for "A Few Dollars More" and it's echo "A Fistfull of Dollars"; "Josie Wales" is my all time seen-it-500-times-and can't-get-enough movie and I'd give a right arm if those staellite stations of mine would get their act together and show "The Beguiled" once in a while (this was Clint's "artsy-craftsy" film *grin*).

I'm also a sucker for "Ghostbusters" (I and II), anything remotely resembling B-stock (pun) sci-fi and re-plays of all the Star Trek movies. Man, I'm making myself sick now...

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  • All the old Clint Eastwood movies... - Allan 14:40:45 10/06/99 (2)

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