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Re: Brutal


I was (am) a Star Wars fan. Saw the first one around thirty times in the theater. I love sci-fi, and I love entering the world of a sci-fi film.

Which is why I was so amazed at how difficult it was to get into TPM.
I dearly wanted to be taken to another place, but the movie put so many obstacles in my way, in the form of horrible or unappealing characters, acting and plot, that it was a very frustrating experience.

When Jurassic Park first came out some people scoffed at seeing it after hearing the character and plot were fairly thin. My retort was:
"Jurassic Park isn't just a movie, it's a form of event - it has brought dinosaurs to life in front of our eyes. A space shuttle lift off or a trip to the zoo doesn't need a plot - certain concepts or experiences are awe-inspiring in of themselves. Think of Jurassic Park as a trip to an incredible zoo."

But even with that mindset I found the Phantom Menace was tough going.
It just put too many obstacles between me and my entry into it's world. No matter what the excuses, that movie just is full of overreaching dramatic moments that fall flat, head scratching plot developments, logical holes, dull performances from great actors, and one truly irritating main character character.

That this is a "Star Wars Film" is no excuse for a poor showing on those counts. I note that in the Phantom Menace documentary on the DVD that even George seems to know he blew it upon his first screening. Plus, they show the wild enthusiasm from Star Wars fans at the premier, right up until the credits start, but of course they refrain from showing footage of the crowds post screening reactions.
Wonder why?

That said, the visuals and sound are absolutely freaking mind blowing, and it really amazed me to see that some viewers (and critics) took pot shots at the effects as well as the plot/acting.

Believe me, I take no "holier than thou" stance: I like a whole bunch of films that are on most levels just awful, and which I could never defend on grounds of merit. So, I don't mean to question your enjoyment of the film - it's great that it worked for you. I hope the next installment works for me :-)

Rich H.

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