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Sure, the original ST is badly dated, but LIS was sucko in it's own time, period.

I didn't have a problem with Shatner's scene-chewing. Besides, it pales by comparison to Irwin Allen's over the top portayal of Dr. Smith. Star Trek broke a lot of ground in race relations and thought provoking plots. For instance, Harlan Ellison's "City on the Edge of Forever" is just one of the more engrossing ST episodes which come to mind. Can you think of anything equally inspired ever produced on Lost In Space?

>>> "You need only watch an episode of Next Generation back to back with an episode of original Star Trek to appreciate how terrible the first cast was." <<<

In one sense I agree with you, but you fail to take into accout the times when each was in production. MUCH of the television from the late 60's dates badly; some of it embarassingly so. That doesn't necessarily make the original series "bad" if you can appreciate programs in context, in much the same way most of us appreciate older movies which may seem overly or unrealistically dramatic (i.e., theatrical).

>>> "Lost in Space was dumb but at least it was fun to watch..." <<<

Using "dumb" and "fun" in the same sentence to describe Lost in Space is entirely acceptable if you're willing to grant the subjectivity of the latter for viewers who can't stand the relentless childishness of the former.


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