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I see that you've chosen the dark side of the force.

>>> "You are embarassing yourself..." <<<

How? By speaking the truth?

>>> "... and I genuinely feel sorry for you." <<<

I think the pity you're feeling may be a bit closer to home.

>>> "For your own good and future credibility, I'm saying "Goodnight Gracie!"!" <<<

My position is very credible even if you disagree with it. As for your "Goodnight Gracie" crack, I doubt that you'll sign off there, but for the sake of argument, if you really meant that, you wouldn't have posted the additional insult, which is carefully worded, but condescending nonetheless.

>>> "(I dare you not to respond to my post. Let's see how long he can hold out, fellow members!)" <<<

FTR, I don't care for dares. Those who post indefensible arguments may find it a convenient way to limit debate, but I refuse to fall into such traps. I provided a very reasonable alternative for redirecting your political views where they would be welcomed. You refused to even acknowledge my polite suggestion.

The little "fellow members" notation is cute, but rather childish don't you think? Those who agree with you or your political views will concur and those who don't won't, even if they don't speak out on the topic. In either case, it doesn't alter the thrust of my argument and trying to make yourself appear "one of the gang" is ludicrous since internet forums don't function via a hive mentality. OTOH, if you're trying to find allies, I'd recommend following my suggestion and posting your political views Outside.


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