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Re: The most unusual movie for Harrison Ford.


I liked the first Indiana Jones movie more than I allowed myself to tell my friends- in Los Angeles one has to be careful to display taste and mastery in two realms: cars and movies. The cars must be expensive and foreign and the movies must by either foreign and/or black and white. Wise people that want to get ahead will have a white, expensive foreign car and wear all black. At parties, you'd better say "Goddard", "Bergman", "Lang" and "Welles" and not "Spielberg" or Lucas." Thoe latter two you talk about at work and then only with colurful jargon, "The B.O. has legs!" for example.

"Raiders" was just one of the movies that displayed a finely wrought affection for the old movie serials-plenty of humour, just enough suspension of disbelief/fantasy, and strong characters. The Karen Black character was the only women in the three films that really worked and had "chemistry" with Ford.

The first sequel "Temple" was just dull, the female lead was annoying, and the second, a shameless, almost exact copy of the first- stop the Nazis getting Holy relic with powers again- without the freshness and wit of the first- though Connery ws fun.

I'm glad you mentioned Ford's brief appearance in "Apocalyse Now" as I agree he is overlooked in that strong- if brief- role. His nervousness in suggesting the "termination" of Col Kurtz put across a lot in a few sentences. I had forgotten he was "Col. G. Lucas"- very good.***

Aside: I don't care at all for "Redux" which I think subtracted large portions of the inwardness, focus, and poetry away from the original version- which had such intensity.

I am probably on a similar frequency to Victor regarding Ford- a stiff and somewhat emotionally remote actor, but can be good in "regular guy in extraordinary circumstances" roles.

Sorry, I have never seen "Mosquito Coast" all the way through, but I liked the atmosphere of obsession and control. But, I need to see the ending! Do you recommend sticking it out?



*** I like these kinds of details thrown in to amuse the movie enthusiasts. In "American Graffiti" the license plate of Millner's bright yellow hot rod is "THX 1138".

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  • Re: The most unusual movie for Harrison Ford. - Bambi B 23:36:51 12/06/03 (1)

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