Films/DVD Asylum

RE: I've seen this fanboy hysteria at Comic-Con in SanDiego

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Thanks for the reply.

I've never been to a comic convention, but happened to be near the airport when one was going off, and saw some of the female fans outside. Holy sexy costumes batman,it obviously takes an unusual level of commitment for a young woman to dress like a half nude comic book character.

I'm sure sitting at home watching captain avenger would bring some questions about what was the big deal, it is pretty forgettable , I had to look up the title, , but it is state of the art film making . I certainly didn't for get the fun things, or how well the movie went over with the group, me included.

A product with enough yank to bring in billions of dollars, I probably saw it in the optimal presentation, with a collage crowd on a friday night ,groups of friends, dates, that kind of thing.

. jude law is the villain, success, requires a good one, and it does have a lot of space fiction, if not a lot of science. It is material from a comic book , fer christ sake. half a loaf is better than none, as the saying goes. I dig Sci fi, and the lead is going to be a lasting star she's more than just a fashion model type, kind of a doris day spunky type that throws punches

Most understand, that in a comic book, when a super hero gets in a jam, the writer just invents a new superpower. One, has to play along, same as a dracula movie, you do't kick when a guy turns into a bat, it is part of the deal. calling out the stupid is pointless, kills the story you intend to enjoy.

My favorite guy used to be the flash, he and i could both run fast, that was good enough for me to buy a comic instead of my usual cheap toy. Would you believe a guy with no other super power except the ability to run incredibly fast escaped a blast inside a sealed windowless brick room, especially constructed to destroy him, that was completely demolished by the force of the explosion? believe it.

The trick was, he was so fast he was able to match his speed exactly to the concussion from the blast, as the brick molecules were torn apart , he was right there, close enough to run through the brick wall as it was deconstructed by the shock wave, but not so far back that he was hurt by the blast. I remember it, because i thought it a clever escape, for guy with limits, if you didn't think too carefully. Good enough for a child's comic book.

Have fun.

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