Films/DVD Asylum

Wick 3: Parabellum . . .

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When I saw the second trailer and it revealed Halle Berry, I winced mightily. I thought what a great way to ruin a potentially good action movie. Fortunately, Dame Berry was in the film that long.

This film slashes a lot of records: absolutely the most glass broken, the most knives throw, the most punches thrown/landed, widest variety of fire-power, and an inexhaustible graphic novel assassin: John Wick.

Fans know that John has been declared "excommunicado" by the High Table for killing a fellow killer in Ian McShane's safe harbor, The Continental Hotel. We open with Wick having about T-30 as he seeks out any form of help before all hell breaks loose. And it does. That's what a $14M bounty will do.

Acting not important, dialog trivial, but action is amazing and more plentiful than Wick 2. But, I still like Wick 2 for the art direction and locations which were fluffed over in Wick 3.

No spoiler, but John makes it and reunites with his new doggy. Will there be another? You will have to see it yourself.

wonks: 3.5 out of 5 for being what it is, action and death above all

wanks: a few back pedals (like Berry and others), less location color, and unnecessary double-taps to the head

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