Films/DVD Asylum

RE: Wick 3: Parabellum . . .

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I am the curious type, and get a senior discount, so I went to see it, in perhaps the best public theatre in Los angeles, the old fox westwood, built in 1938 , but updated to be sportin signs saying it is certified ultimate dolby. I don't favor multiplexes, so go out of my way to support this big space. It didn't disappoint.

Some spoilers follow....

As for the movie, it was ridiculous , but generated some laughs because of it, along with some nervous laughter from me because of the extreme violence pictured as a possible reality.

It is a pretty film, they do a lot of fancy lighting , probably to keep it interesting and new as the groups of attackers bring knives to a gun fight, one at a time. The visual interest is always high, a group of high speed motorcycle assassins pull japanese swords in unison, pose, then attack. With disastrous results, of course. The bad guys have a pretty ominous look , but in spite of the best equipment , obviously didn't spend a lot of time at the target range. They couldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat. They also might have missed ninja school on victory day. After a while , it reminded me of the old cowboy movies with six shooters that never ran out of bullets.

Yet, the movie still pulls out a victory. State of the art hollywood big budget movie making hammers crap into gold. I would suggest only seeing this in the biggest , most technically advanced movie house you can find. You can't run the indy 500 in a bathroom. THe sound track really is impressive, once the end credits rolled, I could listen to it, and the big modern sound system , dolby ultimate theatre system, really got an impressive work out. It seemed there were no limitations on what the system could do, of course, the big space helped the effects, the theatre might have 1200 seats. It is sometimes rented out for red carpet premieres, it has a balcony and red velvet curtains that raise for the presentation and lower at the finish.
Not in the absolute best financial shape, one of the reasons I go , to support a big old house. THe chinese theatre got chopped into a multiplex, for the money. Tough for a single feature house to cut it today.

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