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Anybody see this French movie? An interesting premise, a la Memnto, of starting at the end and going back to the beginning.

This has got to be one of the most brutal and graphic movies I have seen. I have a pretty strong stomach, but as I was sitting on my couch in the dark with the wife out of town, I was squirming and wondering if the rage in the first half of the movie would let up.

A bit of a SPOILER here for those of you who haven't seen it and might - it has, IMO, one of the most gut-wrenching rape scenes ever. The camera just looks on as Monica Belluci, who is in fine form here, is raped for what seems like forever. It was a real test to see if I was going to make it just sitting watching this brutality. And there's another even more horrific scene before this.

Having said all this, I would probably see it again just for the honesty of its portrayal - a movie that doesn't hold back, doesn't gussy things up to make it more palatable for the audience.

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Topic - Irreversible - Beethoven 08:46:19 08/26/03 (13)

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