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Re: Robert Duvall...the most overrated American actor?

Well I can't judge because I would have to see every actor in every role. This is only opinion because actors typically are suited for certain kinds of roles than others. Certainly character actors like Ben Kingsley are more versatile than TOm Cruise types.

Older actors have the great difficulty competing with excellent actors today because their lines seem so bad and often so stilted in movement as to almost be a laughing stock. I giggle at Casablanca in spots where I'm not suppose to giggle.

Cary Grant was the master of the romantic comedy...and despite all the accolades for stage work and movies Ralph Fiennes tipped his cap to Grant saying that light comedy is extremely difficult to make natural. Even Grant's role in North by Northwest needs a certain lilt not many could pull off. Can you see Robert Deniro in the role? I can't.

That is a reason it's hard to say who is best. And real acting is on the stage...the theater is a superior art form than film and breathes life in a participatory way with actor and audience. Some have difficulty transferring that to film but it's more the film director than anything else when it comes to this. Spielberg's E.T. puppet evokes more emotion than most actors in films trying to evoke feeling...and I'm serious.

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  • Re: Robert Duvall...the most overrated American actor? - RGA 17:15:09 03/31/04 (0)

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