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GIGLI ... not as bad as I thought it would be!

Based on swift and savage universal criticism of the 'Bennifer' flick 'GIGLI', I was curious enough to rent the DVD last night to see for myself. In short, I did not think it was as bad as the critics painted it to be. Sure the plot was not nearly as complicated as a Harrison Ford drama (to say the least), BUT the acting WAS decent... moreso for the cameos by greats Al Pacino and Christopher Walken. Laini Kazan as Larry Gigli's mom was decent as well. Also, the performance of Brian's autistic character by Justin Bartha was absolutely stellar and believable! I was blown away by it! Maybe I am a bit 'biased' because I have an autistic 40 year old brother of my own, who lives with and is cared for, ironically, by my elderly parents who are reaching that age stage where they will need care themselves. Anyway, I could relate to Brian, his challenges, and those around him (Bennifer) in this flick. There were some funny, interesting, and even 'tender' moments in the movie as well. In the end, I walked away from the bigscreen saying to myself that this movie had it's good moments, and was not a total flop. I thought seeing 'GIGLI' is like listening to an old KISS release. You know they're not the most talented and respected rock musicians, but nonetheless they deliver if hard rock is your thing! Bad analogy? Maybe.

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Topic - GIGLI ... not as bad as I thought it would be! - 6 meters DX 10:57:35 04/06/04 (3)

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