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The Machinist for strange movie fans

If you like David Lynch-type movies, this is the best in a long while. It is well known that Christian Bales lost 63 pounds for this role, showing some kind of profound commitment. He looks skeletal and deeply disturbed and this seems to me to be a career-making role, reminiscent of De Niro in Taxi Driver. The movie is in grainy muted colors and the machine shop is a hellish place, as his is apartment and the grimy urban location in general. Like Lynch much of the time, it is very hard to tell the real from the imagined. It all gets tied up, maybe a little too neatly, at the end. In terms of atmosphere and sheer weirdness (this movie has theremin on the soundtrack and it fits), this is genuinely disturbing.

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Topic - The Machinist for strange movie fans - tunenut 15:07:46 10/30/04 (1)

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