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The Emperor's Journey

Just saw the premier of this french-made documentary by Luc Jacquet about the life of the Emperor penguin in the Antartic.
Pretty moving stuff as you follow the incredible long march of the colonies over the ice to the breeding grounds.
Three months later, when the female lays the egg, she passes it on to the male who then keeps it warm whilst his mate, who hasn't eaten in three months, returns again to the sea.
Leaving the male in charge of the egg, in the fierce winter, starving for another month!
The females return, just in time to feed the young whilst the poor males go off on the return journey, half dead with hunger.
Many don't make it.
Amazing photography but the film was spoilt by syrupy voice-overs taking the character of the penguins.

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Topic - The Emperor's Journey - Jeff Starrs 00:58:17 01/11/05 (2)

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