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RE: Ack!...

No confession! I am GLAD for every film that make my day!
Or better said who could, He-he...
So thank you!

Most critics I read after posting and seing this film agreed with..You.
But of course they are all wrong...

I read four or five of them and in fact only one did go in the way my feeling and understanding were leading me.

I did not know that the director died and that is terrible as he was very promising.

The real flaw is I think the novel itself. It may be so.
The moral values are just dated and if something like this would happen ( father sleeping with son´s girlfriend and a resulting kid, nobody would be shocked today, is it not so? )

And that destroy my pleasure, also the lethargy of the principal character, is it so difficult to tell
his ( at the moment he tought it would be so ) that he may be her father, instead of letting planed this incest on her young soul?
Letting her fall in love with, by then, her brother..

No the whole situatio is not how should I say, not neat, and the people moving here are all unfree, un- adult.

I try to make my best to expalin why I could not support your positive view of it, in my unative language.

BUT again that film is more than worth to have a look at it.
" Mieux vaut une tête bien faite qu'une tête bien pleine."

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  • RE: Ack!... - patrickU 02:52:04 06/03/08 (0)


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