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Keep the Fosgate !!!

Keep the Fosgate for analog processing and get a second hand MSB modified Marantz DP-870, which will cater for your Dolby Digital and dts sources.

The WORSE thing you can do is get a processor which converts all the analog signals into digital for processing.

I recently replaced my Fosgate Five/ Marantz DP-870 combo with a Sony TA-E9000ES, as I needed everything in a one box solution. Frankly, the sound of the Sony sucks compared with my earlier, albeit cumbersome, combo.

IMO the Fosgate processors were the pinnacle of analog surround sound.
The only analog processor I've heard that truly bested the Fosgates was the Circle Surround processor.

If you must buy a new processor then checkout the Citation 5.0, a hybrid controller which keeps analog signals analog, courtesy of analog circuit design by Jim Fosgate. His patented Six-Axis decoding is a continuation of his earlier analog work.

michael w

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