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Thanks for the feedback...

Sorry if I led you on a wild goose chase.

Like I said, I'm about 20 miles out of NYC and it works for me. Location is everything.

This is why it's difficult to give a black & white answer to antennas. Maybe when they said 20 miles, they really meant it.

I understand about the dipole working better there, particularly if you are on the second floor or higher. The "blade" is an end-fed vertically oriented half-wave monopole and, in a strong signal area, is easier to posistion for a good compromise.

With distance and weak signal a factor, a PROPERLY OSITIONED dipole can outperform many other antennas. BTW, the "5 bars outta 5" shows the results of amplifying a weak, dirty signal. Stronger? Yes! Cleaner? NO!

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