Home Video Asylum

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Re: dwin projector -- is the 500 good?

Frederico makes a good point and I didn't mean to imply that the Projectavision has a poor picture. In fact, I'd put it up against MANY CRT's in the under $20K category. A 2 chip DLP has no pixellation even from 2-3 feet, and I'm using it on a Stewart 130 screen that is 16:9 and 10 feet wide (not diagonal). Despite this, the DLP puts out a very bright and clean picture. It isn't, however, as sharp as some of the CRT's I've seen such as the Sony and Dwin's but it is quite good. I will say, however, that the fan noise is significant and distracting even though I have it built into an enclosure and sitting on top of a 7 foot high cabinet. I understand that the new Projectavision (I got the 1st generation) has a quieter fan and some other features (but still not anamorphic or multiple aspect ratios).

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  • Re: dwin projector -- is the 500 good? - chris e. 02:56:01 07/16/99 (0)

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