Home Video Asylum

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Re: Just the opposite for me

yeah, i hear what you say. but i have to resort to noise reduction on pioneer elite dvl-91 to make even recently released laserdiscs look good. color saturation, resolution, dot crawl, you name it and i find it more lacking. ld software is limited and sure the format is - oops - was, aimed at video(film)philes but i don't quite have the romaticism with the format. yes, some dvds are over the tip with their ads, enhanced edges and shrill (almost always DD, not DTS) audio tracks but on a well mastered disc there is really no contest which looks better on a xbr direct view big screen. and since i like engaging sound presentations i practically drool over a remastered film like north by northwest that finally! gets the sound right (lfe) on latest dvd :-)

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  • Re: Just the opposite for me - gialitt 14:43:06 11/24/01 (0)

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