Home Video Asylum

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Re: Some advice requested on upgrading from my Proceed

Has the Proceed stopped working ?

I still have mine and I hope it continues to work until I can afford/have the mindset to blow kilobucks on it's replacement. I only use it for DD/DTS decoding and composite video switching (I bought a separate multichannel preamp to take care of music). I'm also looking at separate component and/or DVI switchers to do my video switching.

As a Preamp for music, I think it still might be amongst the best out there at it's price point for pre/pros (I did audition the highly touted Arcam Pre/pro and continue to prefer the Proceed). I don't need all the "cheesy surround modes", so I can afford to wait on a processor upgrade.

I'm hoping to find a DVD source with built-in DD/DTS decoding and DACS to rival the Proceeds'. Then I can lose the Proceed without bothering to find a replacement.

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