Video Asylum

A factor perhaps, but you should take the time to read a bit further before jumping to conclusions:

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What I clearly stated several times, as in this earlier response to Oscar in another thread, explains my position succinctly.

Quote: "My only bias is toward buying the movies and TV series I want and paying a reasonable admission price with no strings attached."

Obviously, my primary focus is in acquiring "the movies and TV series I want" in high definition. There are currently more films which interest me on HD-DVD than Blu-ray; I've stated that clearly on several occasions in other threads. You should have recalled this fact before zeroing in on price-point considerations, assuming you have a better memory than Dory in Finding Nemo! ;0)

Note: The strings attached issue is in reference to Blue-ray's more robust region blocking. I realize that this appeal to studios concerns over priating of movies, but limiting consumer access to future high resolution releases of desired European movies and television series not readily available state-side may be a deal-breaker for some folks (like me).

>>> "I would say you're like most consumers, but given the superior sales of blu-ray over HD DVD, you're in the minority in this format war. And judging by your last post, your understanding of these issues is nil." <<<

My understanding is fine, and it's based upon common sense, personal collecting interests and my own observations, ...not industry hype and juggled sales figures. Your angle, well, that's another matter. [Rah! Rah! Keep it up Jazz, and you just might make captain of the Blue-ray cheer-leading team! 8^D]


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