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RE: Sorry tiger, your stripes won't come off that easily.

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>> Dispel all you want, but I don't recall ever saying anything about equal support, <<

Well, einstein, when you say "no dog in this hunt" it infers that you support all the little doggies equally. Which in your case is a blatant lie.

>> so you can take that accusation about lying and shove it where the blu-ray don't shine. <<

Maybe you should avoid cliches, as they really don't let you articulate your position. The fact is that you're an HD DVD die-hard supporter who aggressively attacks blu-ray supporters.

>> I'm just not a single minded advocate or cheer-leader for a one format solution. <<

But you do. Stop lying.

>> BTW, leaning towards one format or the other objectively has nothing to do with outright advocacy and disinformation campaigns; that is your forte. <<

My forte is to hammer the capacity issue, which I think is critically important for optical formats that will soon be competing with downloadable HD technologies.

>>> "You don't support blu-ray at all, ..." <<< What I don't support is Blu-ray advocacy using either industry generated propaganda or campaigns of disinformation pushing intangibles such as unused capacity and over-hyping of lossless sound; BTW, I don't support ZS KEKL's heavy handed HD-DVD advocacy either. <<

Sorry, but the fact remains that you don't support blu-ray at all, and that your continued lies aren't helping you. You have essentially made yourself KEKLesque, as you two are the main fools who have compared me to a cheerleader for speaking about the technical merits of formats I have chosen to adopt and their advantages over the merits of formats I have chosen to not adopt. You SAY you're inclined to adopt blu-ray, but until that magical, mystical, majestic moment actually happens, you are a blithering HD DVD fanatic who has not lifted a finger to support blu-ray and who actively recommends ignoring the unavoidable fact that it offers 20 gigs greater capacity than your preferred format. All because you could adopt HD DVD on the cheap and watch casablanca and star trek, or some such nonsense.

>> Well, at least you noticed the fact that I have endorsed dual format players as a logical and practical solution <<

Talk is cheap, auphl. Let me know when you get a universal player and start collecting blu-rays. Then at least I won't see you as a complete hypocrite, which is what you've made yourself at present.

>> BTW, the HD-DVD of Song Remains the Same was released on both formats albeit briefly; <<

No. It was yanked prior to release, but some stock was shipped prior to release date, as always.

>> both high definition releases apparently were pulled quickly because distributors jumped the gun & after complaints came in about the Blu-ray releases 'lossless' track having drop-outs <<

That's pure conjecture and totally uncorroborated. If you want my opinion, Plant/Page pulled the plug as they have been wont to do on a variety of projects that didn't involve their input from the start.

>> Like I said, if I want one, I'll look for the HD-DVD. <<

Oh, I know. Because you DO have a dog in the hunt or, to avoid cliches, you're an active HD DVD fan who avoids blu-ray and attacks adopters of the latter while lying about his real level of support.

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." -Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)

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