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Sean Penn working with Hunter S. Thompson...

Caught the tail-end of the Charlie Rose show (PBS) the other night. Penn mentioned that he's working on something with Dr. Gonzo (Hunter S. Thompson, "Doctor of Journalism") aka "Duke" from the Doonsberry comic strip.

Rose burst out laughing at the very thought of it while Penn smiled and said something like ..."he's the only person who makes me laugh out loud every time I read ..." to which Rose added the observation "yea...because you start to think ..."he's right...it really is like that..." at which point they both lost it...laughing with a look of real fear...as if some skulling terror, some savage beast were waiting for the moment when someone spoke it's name...

For those of us old enough to have read Thompson during the 60's and 70's, you know it's true.

I didn't know the guy was still alive...so to hear he's still writing...working with Penn...

the horror...

the horror...

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Topic - Sean Penn working with Hunter S. Thompson... - petew 10:07:49 12/28/01 (0)

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