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Re: Irezumi?

***I've got "Irezumi: Spirit of the Tattoo" on laserdisc.

That is one stylish movie.

***Saw "Woman In The Dunes" in a theater, a good lesson for entomology students. I'm trying to find a decent version of "Chushingura" (Inagaki's version sort of sucked;

I am not faliliar with that one. Need to look it up in the guide.

***I've been told that Mizoguchi and Ichikawa have done better with the 47 Ronin story). What's your favorite Kurosawa film? I guess mine is "Ikiru" based on the way it examines the human condition and vindicates living life well.

My experience with Ikiru was pitiful. It was a double-feature, late hight and movie too long and too slow. We left after about 90 minutes. Who knows, maybe under different curcumstances?

Generally, double-features can be too much. I recall once a local theater showed the 2001 side by side with the Solaris. It felt like a full one day tripper and I think most of the Solaris' beauty was lost to the tired audience. I always loved Banionis (the lead in the Solaris) and I remember that before the movie release there was a tremedous inticipation - reminds me of the Kubrick's releases. The intelligencia in major Russian cities has always been extremely art-sensitive and that is one part of the Russian life that I probably miss the most.

***On the other hand, I could go for "Rashomon" with its lesson in nonobjectivity

I don't know which is one I like the most, but the Dreams is up there for sure, together with the Kagemusha. But this is the probem with great directors - you tend to like most of their creations. I recently again emjoyed the Ran on a large screen, too bad the transfer was too fuzzy.

***I didn't see "Ivan's Childhood", so this is another I'll put on my list

It is too bad that the Russian movies are not better known here. Over the decades they have produced a tremendous number of masterpieces. In the recent years, together with a murky wave of pale Hollywood immitations, there were many good ones too. There are stores out there where one can rent all the latest releases (most with totally atrocious quality as a rule - what smart Russian businessman would buy the oficial copies?), unfortunately none is usually translated. In terms of their overall level the better Russian production might be right there with the Italian movies, which I usually put above all others.

***If you think Japanese cinema is slow, quiet, and introspective, you ought to try "The Scent of Green Papaya" (Vietnamese) and "Why Has Bodhi Dharma Left To The East?" (Korean). The last one is probably the ultimate Zen movie; I'm Buddhist and even I was falling asleep during that one

That probably wouldn't be my cup of tea. Although I have a friend who is very much into slow deliberate tortures (he's been to several Wagner's Ring full-length cycles) and I will mentioned those to him.

Have a nice day,


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  • Re: Irezumi? - Victor Khomenko 05:21:26 07/16/99 (0)

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