Films/DVD Asylum

Best of year for me too...

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Saw it again last night in a theater...even more rivetting second time around. Who'da thought trendy NY painter Julian Schnabel would turn out to be such a profoundly delicate and humane movie director??? And that screenwriter Ronald Harwood, whom I have mixed feelings about, found the perfect structure and POV for telling Bauby's story. This is the most beautiful and imaginative movie I've seen all year. It delivers the goods.

Schnabel is nominated for a directing Oscar, which he's unlikely to win. Harwood won the Bafta and is also nominated for adapted screenplay Oscar, Janusz Kaminsly is nommed for and Juliette Wlfling for editing, all well deserved. The movie should have been nominated for best pic (Michael Clayton???Ya gotta be kidding.) All the performances are superb, and it's a shame Mathieu Amalric wasn't nominated, along with Max Von Sydow, who is astonishing as Bauby's father.

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