Films/DVD Asylum

RE: OK, so wife knows he is in danger, but brings her mother along

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>> to the scene of the danger, because he can't just mail her the money, or walk into the Pinkerton office and pay $20M for armed guards around her house for the next month, <<

As Wells said, "no, you don't understand". Moss was trying to keep this quiet and he was trying to get his wife out of town. Neither Chigurh nor the mexicans would have known about the hotel if not for the mother who blabbed to the "nice mexican".

>> and he knows the bad guy is outside his room ready to come in; and instead of hiding behind cover to his left so he can shoot the guy without being shot, he sits on the bed, in the center of the room, silhouetted, <<

He had just gotten up, turned on the light and found the transponder. He had no idea that Chigurh enters rooms by punching the deadbolt so that it would propel directly into his chest. You need to watch that scene again. It is done absolutely brilliantly. One of the most suspenseful sequences in cinema history and the ensuing shootout is equally brilliant. if we put you in Moss' position, you wouldn't have lasted two hours.

>> and rather than throw the transmitter out the window so the bad gut thinks the money is outside, running away; <<

Moss purposefully set it on the night stand because he wanted Chigurh to come to him to get the confrontation overwith.

>> he tells wife to meet at the motel instead of the airport where it is full of people so no one will likely shoot them, <<

Again, he didn't anticipate the Mexicans would have figured out his plans. They only got to him through his wife and they only got to his wife through her mother.

>> and the bad guy has no air tank coming up the steps of the Eagle Hotel behind Carson Wells so how does his air gun shoot, or does he walk with a rifle through the lobby of the hotel where the desk clerk he killed the night before, and <<

Why did he need the pressurized canister? He had been hiding out, waiting for Wells and found him. If you're willing to suspend belief that he could rig a car to explode without being seen, it's not hard to imagine he could carry a gun into a hotel without being seen.

When you make a better movie than No Country, let us know.

Call it, friendo.

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