Films/DVD Asylum

Agreed that Saramago is a great writer, although he is no longer living as you insinuate

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I haven't read The Gospel but I'm sure it's worthwhile. I read Blindness shortly after it was first published in English and thought it was quite brilliant in a "Lord of the Flies" vein. Even more enjoyable was Baltasar and Blimunda, which is the kind of tale that fits better with Saramago's prose. I post the link below, if you're interested. As good as Blindness and B&B are, in terms of Saramago's writing style, Tale of the Unknown Island may be the best he has done. It's the writer's equivalent of a tone poem.

I started to read "All the Names" but it seemed too obviously a vehicle for Saramago's politics. He telegraphed it badly in the early chapters and it bored me too much to read on. I may revisit it someday, but I'm behind on my reading list as it is.

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