Films/DVD Asylum

a harmless american institution

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I am glad I don't get twisted about harmless entertainment . I know there will always be the usual people who just can't handle society unless they feel in control, glad that isn't me.

Perhaps it is because I have been to places that don't have the luxury of free speech. After all , having my friends arrested for just taking me sightseeing through a church is bound to make an impression, if one seeks a virtuous life, guided towards wisdom through the experiences presented to me.

Perhaps it is because of my choice to seek happiness in life, and bitching about every little upset would be drifting off my selected course.

Perhaps because a tremendous cook out of New Orleans fed me shrimp gumbo almost every day on a voyage to africa and back, plus teaching me to make a rue, just knocked the evil straight out of me.

perhaps it is fear, i want to still get a break if I get in a drowning situation, i'm not getting any younger. i think a guy trying to do well with his life has a better chance than a guy with unexamened moral or social problems. Plus, i would hate to loose my good luck.

I was always instructed it takes all kinds of people to make a world, I can't change that, only my actions to try to make things better,

Here is another saying I just came across. Fear kills a man's soul. Seems a fair observation.

I think it reasonable consider that no matter the quality of the awards show, some will object.

Some are negative about everything, probably start the day by getting mad at their cornflakes.

Others might be russian bots just in for the general attack on any american institution, no matter how trivial.

Me, I like to see the women play dress up. some of those hollywood women can really bring it.

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