Video Asylum

RE: You're welcome

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>> That's right, genius. As I mentioned, it was in response to a post about bonus material. <<

No, it was part of a thread about--that's right--the fact that blu-ray's disc capacity provides significant advantages. In that case, the contents of a blu-ray had to be split across two HD DVDs. The issue of supplementary content was a peripheral point.

>> It's all about the context in which the statement was made. If you choose to deny that, you only make yourself look bad. <<

Yep, and in this case you badly misinterpreted the context and made yourself look bad.

>> Once again, you read something and fail to comprehend. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. That would be a complete waste of my time, as you have already demonstrated on multiple occasions. I'm merely pointing out your hypocrisy and inconsistency. <<

Well, thank goodness we have you hear to keep such close tabs on me. I'm sure the community and moderators are all very impressed with your fine work.

>> I don't expect you to see it, because I don't think you can. I'm just amusing myself at your expense. <<

Cute. For those of us here to discuss video formats, the fact remains, blu-ray has significantly greater capacity and therefore provides space for 5.1 LPCM where HD DVD does not.

>> >>either you care about that, or you don't. Those are the only two positions to take.<<
Perhaps that's true in your narrow little world. My horizons are somewhat broader than yours. <<

Your stupid insult aside, our respective views have nothing to do with this. Blu-ray provides several gigs more storage capacity than HD DVD. That's just a fact. You can be an insulting little twit all you like and the fact will not change.

>> Happy Autumnal Equinox, Jazz! <<

It's Yom Kippur.

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." -Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)

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