Video Asylum

RE: tv noob here, got lcd tv and have some qs.

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1. Don't know about your Samsung, but most widescreen TVs must be set to "Full" to display a widescreen picture. The factory default is usually something like "Normal," which is 4:3.

2. Is it supposed to be this way? Yep. Standard 480i pictures look like crap when they are blown up on a fixed-pixel screen. Nothing you can do other than not watch those channels on your TV.

3. Broadcast/cablecast signals are limited by bandwidth and broadcast technology to 1080i maximum. Some satellite providers offer "1080p," but it's not broadcast/satcast - it's Video On Demand download. The primary sources for 1080p content for most of us are Blu-ray and HD DVD. It will likely be a long, long, long time before anything is actually broadcast in 1080p. I daresay most people here won't be alive then :-)

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