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RE: You are definitely confused

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It is image persistence moron, not image retention. I stated I found one manual mentioning this, though it looks to be several years old. I'm around LCD screens daily, never have I seen the pixels stick on any of them. And yes several have static images all day at least 6 days of the week. I have a CRT monitor here with burn-in as well as a Plasma. The CRTs are even worse with this.

When I say you guys, I'm talking you and Murphy. Go find me some up to date manufactures manuals.

Pathetic is some one who allows himself to believe a fading technology is cutting edge. There are a reasons plasma's are fading, cost is only one of the factors.

The manufactures plainly state this in the manuals as warnings, but some still think it is a thing of the past..that's pathetic.

Edits: 10/14/09   10/14/09

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