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RE: That has been my experience

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I have long considered Onkyo/Integra. I was really hoping the 80.1 would have a more appropriate/modern design considering what it does. Also it bugs me a bit that some of the Onkyo models have features I want that the supposedly "higher" Integras don't. Onkyo/Integra cost MUCH more in Canada than in the U.S., and have just started to go mainstream here in the last year. I could buy in the U.S., but no warranty, and a warranty is another thing I have learned not to go without for these processors. I trust Denon's engineering a lot more than Onkyo's, so that's in my mind too.

I am using a Denon 3808 AVR as a pre-pro. HDMI only. It has worked well, and I have been looking for a worthy replacement for 2 years. Not because I don't like it, just the opposite. I am sufficiently impressed by it that now I want "better", before I was a bit dubious about this whole HDMI thing but 2 years has more than convinced me.

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