Video Asylum

RE: will you by a 3D setup?

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No, not interested in taking a step back in image quality (colour and contrast suffer with 3d and it has to many artifacts) just to get what movie makers and t.v. shows will do, put gimmicky 3d images at you. It's bad enough that all too many movies lack substance today just to get special effects. Next 3d may look interesting on a big screen including IMAX but at home with smaller t.v.s even front projection it will be more lost. As for the hype of it being great for sports! REALLY? Football for one from the point of standard camera views will not reveal any real 3d effect. Oh some gimmicky angles may show some but do you want to watch a complete football game in only these angles?

No, I am interested in 4K video displays. At least the development of 4K will yield better imagery. Finaly there is so little 3d content who cares, old movies and t.v shows cannot be made into 3d so we will only get a sliver of what ultimately due to a creatively bankrupt movie and t.v industry will be gimmicky crappola.

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