Video Asylum

RE: "I found it nauseating and unpleasant compared to good traditional film." - The world consensus differs.

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>> I just talked to an A/V specialist last weekend (from whom I've purchased Gallo Reference gear) who absolutely raved about the 3D prospects of Avatar! He's seen it several times projected in different ways, but the IMAX 3D is apparently KILLER (I've seen it in 3D, but not the IMAX 3D). He is already gearing up for 3D sales (most of his clientele are high-end HT enthusiasts). <<

Hooray for him, but there are maybe three films of Avatar's hype released each decade and it is impractical to buy a new display and other hardware for these few titles...despite the saps who make up his clientele. I saw it on IMAX 3D and as I've said before, it did not wow me. It seemed like many staggered 2D layers and not real 3D. I preferred the visuals in an HD broadcast of an Avatar I saw on my kuro plasma. The color and detail was much more attractive than it was in the theater. Frankly if you put the images side by side, I don't see how anyone would choose the 3D unless they are into gimmicks for the sake of gimmicks.

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