Video Asylum

RE: I hope you're wrong.

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Sad to say..but chances are I'm right about this one. I can understand where you're coming from.

There are still people that like to drive across town to pay a bill as well.
For the younger generation this is time and money(gas) that could be spent doing other things. So for them.. going online to accomplish the same task in 30 seconds verses 30 mins is more inviting.

I stopped using disc nearly two yeas ago. That includes CDs,DVDs or Blu rays. I don't have a disc player in the home, minus the ones in my computers. I only use them to rip everything to hard-drive that I don't download from the net. In-fact I would say 99% of what I watch is from the Net or hard-drive. The other 1% is just OTA broadcast of local or national news.

Edits: 03/18/10

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