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RE: CA Ban on BigScreen TVs

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I read the LA Times article. Very interesting.

Left-wing politicians and their environmentalist supporters love to compartmentalize topics - it makes it easier to promote them. But step back and look at the big picture: They don't want any new 'traditional' power plants (coal, nuclear, hydroelectric), but they want us to drive electric cars. So, where's all the power for the electric cars going to come from? Yup, you guessed it: Solar, wind, and savings in other electricity usage. They know that their solar and wind manufacturer friends aren't going to be able to provide any where near the additional supply, so they want you to cut back on usage in other activities, and are willing to force you to do it via legislation.

Meanwhile, the utility companies continue to ask for rate hikes, so, even if you manage to reduce your total usage by 20 percent over the next five years, your electric bill won't go down. It's another aspect of the squeeze on consumers: Make them cut back on product usage, but make them continue to pay the same amount of money. This is a form of what I call "hidden inflation". The same thing is happening in the grocery store. Have you noticed that you're paying the same or more for a product, but the package is smaller?

To add insult to injury, the cost of solar and wind electricity generation is much higher than traditional methods, yet that's the direction the Lefties want to take us, ostensibly to "save the planet", when actually it's just a way to put money into the pockets of their friends, at YOUR expense.

Does anyone here realize that the typical nuclear power plant generates anywhere from about 1,200 megawatts up to about 1,800 megawatts? Yet, the environmentalists would rather destroy umpteen square miles of land to build a wind or solar farm that generates less than half that amount. It's insane. But that's one of the ridiculous things we're up against in the next election.

Edits: 12/28/11

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